Sailing in the inner harbour

Claudia sails with the Balmain Sailing Club since mid-May 2002; Peter joined the sailor's life in early June: Both of us got a "regular employment" as crew members on the dinghis of friends (see also: Monthly Report June 2002). In winter, races are run every second Sunday in the Inner Harbour. According to wind and weather, up to 20 dinghis compete for two bottles of "Cascade" beer. The first 4 races of this winter series all offered strong wind, what gives the impression of nutshell-racing in these small boats of 3.5 m length. However, when the wind blows reliably, the sun shines, and the trapeze promises security, there is nothing comparable to a view at the Harbour Bridge from the frog's perspective ;-)

Sailing preparations: Mounting mast, boom, and sails ashore

Impressions on the boatramp

Claudia during the preparations

During the race. Claudia is the dark spot in the trapeze of the boat at the left hand side

Poppy's new dinghi (Claudia is the official photographer, thus staying ashore)

Peter and Michael at the race buoy in front of the CBD